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Environmental Innovations Initiative

One Health@Penn Research Community Work in Progress Seminar

Farah Hussain of the Perelman School of Medicine and Zachary Herrmann of the Graduate School of Education will present in this monthly discussion with faculty across Penn’s 12 Schools on the theme of Climate and One Health.

February 14, 12:00-1:00pm, 2024

Every second Wednesday, the One Health@Penn Research Community convenes monthly talks and discussions with faculty across Penn’s 12 Schools who present their work in progress on the theme of Climate and One Health.

February's speakers:

Farah Hussain of the Perelman School of Medicine: "Creating a climate curriculum for future physicians"

Zachary Herrmann of the Graduate School of Education: "Setting the stage for collaborative problem solving"

This WiP is led by the One Health in Action faculty advisory group as a forum for
Penn scholars from diverse fields to share their work in a space that promotes
interdisciplinary problem solving at the intersection of human, animal, and
environmental health. Faculty will each speak for 15', followed by a Q and A.

This event has passed. 