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Penn Environmental Innovations Initiative - Homepage

student holds bullfrog
one person holds a bullfrog as another looks on while standing in a pond
one person holds a bull frog while another looks on wearing waders in a pond

We are at a pivotal moment in history.

Our planet is at a crossroads. The time to fix the systems causing the climate and biodiversity crises as well as institutionalized inequities is now. Between the capacity to conduct cutting-edge research, the responsibility to prepare tomorrow's professionals and leaders, and the role as a neutral convening agent, Universities have a unique role to play in developing solutions to today’s most pressing global challenges. The research being done at Penn can and must be part of the solution.

Learn More About the Initiative

Catalyzing Research

The Environmental Innovations Initiative seeks to facilitate innovative research that maximizes Penn’s distinctive interdisciplinary strengths, within and between schools, centers, graduate groups, and departments.


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Explore Environment at Penn

Each of Penn’s 12 Schools offer teaching, research, and opportunities on a broad range of topics related to climate, nature, and society. Discover the people, programs, and opportunities at the University. Learn more about courses and degrees, connect with expert faculty, and world-class centers and institutes across campus.

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