Project-based learning for global climate justice: Project showcase
Penn GSE Center for Professional Learning is celebrating the exciting climate justice projects going on in K-16 classrooms around the world.

Join us on Saturday, January 21, from 11:00 –12:00 ET on Zoom for a project showcase of K-16 climate justice programs from around the world.
The PBL for Global Climate Justice program brings together secondary school educators from across the country and around the world to design project-based learning curricula focused on the problems and questions of global climate change. This interdisciplinary program combines the Penn Graduate School of Education’s expertise in project-based learning with the expertise of leading scholars in climate change research from the broader Penn community. It offers current educators the opportunity to learn about PBL for Global Climate Justice and how to engage students in authentic, action-oriented, and meaningful learning experiences. The PBL for Global Climate Justice is a research community of the Environmental Innovations Initiative.
Registration closes on January 19th.