Vaccines and Education
This month, we are pleased to welcome Dr. Kristen Feemster, Associate Director of the Vaccine Education Center at Children's Hospital of Philadelphia.
September 25, 2024
12PM on Zoom (Use "Event Registration" link below)
Visitors speak for 15 minutes, followed by a Q&A with the Zoom audience.

The One Health @ Penn Research Community Work in Progress Series presents: Vaccines and Education.
Join us each month in discussion with faculty and staff across Penn's 12 Schools who will present their work in progress on interdisciplinary approaches to address health and welfare challenges.
This WiP is led by the One Health in Action Faculty as a forum for Penn Scholars from diverse fields to share their work in a space that promotes interdiscplinary problem solving at the interface of human, animal, and environmental health.
Visitors speak for 15 minutes, followed by a Q&A with the Zoom audience.
All are welcome!